
No Intention, non-doing, accessing the inherent health of the body

Before I began Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Dayle, I was in a state of mental confusion and depression. I felt that there was no purpose in my life and I did not feel connected to my physical body. I was feeling despondent and empty, almost as if a part of me was dying.From the very first Biodynamic Craniosacral session with Dayle, I felt that I was in in safe and powerful hands. Each session left me feeling light yet Grounded.

The way I describe it to others is that Biodynamic Craniosacral sessions with Dayle leave me feeling as if profound ‘work’ has been done on many levels (of my being) which is then integrated effortlessly! For me, there is no painful processing that often comes with work that offers the depth and scope of BCST. I have never experienced anything like Dayle’s practice of BCST. I now fully inhabit my physical body and feel more trusting of my life process. I have let go of a lot of stuff that I was not previously aware that I was holding on to. I have more faith in my Self.Since my BCST sessions with Dayle, I have made a big life move that has improved all aspects of my health and I now feel that I have a stronger relationship with my Self. I trust my self and above all else, I Love my self more now than ever!

Melanie Lofts, June 2020

Prior to seeing Dayle and having cranio treatments, post op hysterectomy complications caused me to suffer from fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, poor blood circulation resulted in tenderness. I struggled to complete everyday tasks and mental health lead to lack of appetite, insomnia. I instantly felt a shift in my body and over the course of my appointments, I became more aware of my body and felt more in tune with myself both mentally and physically. Dayle introduced me to simple activities and exercises to silence the pain I was experiencing and refocus my energy to help improve my mental and physical state and overall assist with my recovery. Over the last 9 months, I have been going to specialists, physiotherapists, and dietitians but none showed the long and lasting results that I experienced through cranio. I am now 12 months post op and my mental and physical health is much better. I am living positively and able to perform everyday tasks.

Billie Colbran, July, 2020

Since I sprained the right ankle a couple of years ago, my body has been a bit out of balance and the right side of my body often gets stiff, especially neck and shoulder. I had tried quite a few treatments of other modalities and I thought I’d give cranio a try when Dayle mentioned it. I really loved it! It is very important for me to have spaciousness in the energetic field and Dayle picked it up and met it within seconds. I felt my body relaxed so deeply in no time. For the entire treatment, it felt like I was in a special treatment cocoon. It was such a warm, joyful, and safe experience. After the session, I felt good in my body and feeling very light and content. My neck and shoulder regain the fluidity and I felt it days after the treatment. Thank you Dayle, I love your treatment. I hope many more people will experience your gift!

Yaka, August 2020

I have been having the most relaxing and restorative Craniosacral sessions with Dayle on a monthly basis for a year now and can highly recommend them to others. Each time I drop away all the busyness from the outside world and surrender to the waves of gentle care and energy that wash through me during the treatment. I always leave feeling renewed, peaceful and balanced. Thanks so much Dayle, you have a wonderful gift to share with us to enable a healthy mind, body and whole being.

Robin Clayfield, Sept 2020